About us
Since 1997, gallery owners Karen Boekholt and John Stel have developed their personal passion for detail into a successful and leading gallery specialized in realism.

Gallery Honingen
Since the start in 1997, Honingen has grown into a leading gallery in the Netherlands. The gallery specializes in contemporary realism and exclusively represents a select number of renowned artists. Many of them have been associated with the gallery since its foundation: illustrative of the confidence and enthusiasm with which gallery owners John Stel and Karen Boekholt started in 1997.

The gallery
From the beginning, Galerie Honingen has also presented its art collection outside the gallery about 4 to 5 times a year at various art fairs. “At a trade fair you come into direct contact with a large group of enthusiasts, you meet customers and you get a taste of the market.” Fairs are very important for direct sales and for building and expanding a renowned name.
Gallery Honingen participated in, among others, Art Fair Den Bosch, Art 2013, Affordable Art Fair, Millionaire Fair, Cannes International Art Fair and Art and Antique Weekend Naarden. “A beautiful work of art enriches your life, is tangible, is valuable, and means timeless enjoyment.” What is specifically seen as an advantage is that art buyers have become increasingly critical. The quality must be perfect at an acceptable price. Well, in terms of craftsmanship, our artists have long earned their spurs. and the gallery owners strive to keep the collection always varied and attractively priced. And with success! “Stay yourself, follow your heart is our motto, also for the future.”
Karen Boekholt & John Stel
Graduated at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam in economics and art history Karen and John decided to start a gallery specialized in contemporary art with a small budget but with great ambitions. In 2001 the gallery moved to Gouda.
This year we started with no less than 5 new international artists. A wonderful addition to the art collection. Unfortunately, this year all fairs and events were canceled and Covid-19 left a huge mark on the year.
2018 was a top year, many visitors were welcomed, new good artists were added and 5 successful fairs were set up, including Art Breda, Kunst en Antiek Weekend Naarden and the Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam.
20 Years Honingen Gallery!
First time participant at the Rotterdam Contemporary Art Fair during the Rotterdam Art Week. A great succes, the art market is booming again.
Opening if our 2nd location on Lange Tiendeweg 40
New website goes online with lots of improved features to enjoy our art collection, including an English version.
The year started with the jubilee exhibition of Frans van Straaten and his book presentation “25 years in bronze”.
Honingen Gallery participated prominent on booth 1 in “Art and Antiques Naarden.
Milestone I: At the Art Fair ‘s-Hertogenbosch Honingen sold a 350 kilo bronze sculpture of a gorilla, litteral the biggest sale in 15 year.
Milestone II: In september Honingen celebrates her 15th anniversary with a 3 weekend party in the gallery !
Honingens Herring Party. Honingen celebrates being settled in Gouda for 10 years with oysters, herring and prosecco
Hard times in the art world, but Honingen Gallery had a sales volume increase. Our efforts for quality, beautiful presentations and the accumulated trust is rewarded. Special exhibition in the gothic townhall with 3 galleries.
Honingen also active on social media sucha as Facebook en Twitter.
Celebrating our 12,5 years jubilee of the gallery with a huge presentation of 100 m2 at Primavera in Ahoy, together with a catalogue of 10.000 copies.
Countercyclical investment II:
Honingen closes for 3 months for a huge expansion with 100 m2 extra exhibition space
Start digital newsletters
After a long negotiation we finally bought the barn of 100 m2 behind the gallery. This way the original medieval parcel is restored
10 year Honingen Gallery !
Birth daughter Sophie.
Honingen is organizing a retrospective at the invitation of Allianz Nederland.
Hommage exhibition H.C. Andersen in Denmark: Gabriël Gressie and Galerie Honingen are special guests on this international exhibition.
Cannes International Art Fair
Start, 2-year theme exhibition “Masters of Miniatures”.
Birth of our son Lucas.
Participant Miljonair Fair.
Visiting the foundry in Florence with Michael Parkes where his newest sculptures are being cast.
Introduction Euro
After a long renovation we finally moved to the canal house in Gouda. With over 1000m3 content it offers a lot of possibilities.The gallery now measures 100m2; a beautiful place to celebrate our 5th anniversary !
Anticyclish invesment I: invest during the crisis. We have bought a beautiful new house: a monument from 1650 in Gouda.
Website online
Our website www.honingen.com goes online: Honingen is one of the first galleries in Holland with the complete and actual art collection online, including prices.
The gallery moved to a new and bigger shop, only a few doors away.
Exhibition in Monte Carlo Palace by invitation of ABN-AMRO bank.
Exhibition opening by Loek Brons, the busiest opening so far.
Participation in our 1st art fair: Grantique Rotterdam Cruise Terminal, opening by Pim Fortuyn.
Honingen Gallery starts at Oostzeedijk Beneden 27 B in Rotterdam-Kralingen:
· opening-exhibition with Peter Dumas
· gallery size: 36 m2
· seed: 6000,- guilder
Opening Honingen Gallery
A newspaper interview results in our first sale: a beautifull painting of Peter Boekholt is sold !
Castle Honingen
Honingen is a historical name attached to Rotterdam. It refers to castle Honingen dating back to the 13th century. It was ruined in 1572 during the octogenarian war. It stood close to where Honingen Gallery opened in 1997.